Judge Dredd Reading Order
Incomplete chronology but a good starting point in picking the best story arcs in Judge Dredd / Mega City history
Series begins in:
Classics era
- The Cursed Earth Saga (Case Files 2) *
- The Day the Law Died (Case Files 2) *
- The Judge Child (Case Files 4)
- The Dark Judges (Case Files 5) *
- Apocalypse War (Case Files 5) *
- Inferno (Case Files 19)
- America * recomended story about life in Mega City
- Mechanismo
- The Pit (Case Files 24)
- Brothers of the Blood (Case Files 32)
- The Chief Judge's Man (Case Files 33)
- Satan's Island (Case Files 35)
- Mandroid
- Total War
- Origins
Modern era jumping on point, refers back to Apocalypse war
- Tour of Duty: The Backlash *
- Tour of Duty: Mega City Justice * (Progs 1649-1667, 1674-1693, 2010)
- Day of Chaos: The Fourth Faction * (Progs 1700-1704, 1740-1751, 1753-1758, and Judge Dredd Megazine #307, 308, 310)
- Day of Chaos: Endgame * (Progs 1759-1789)
- Day of Chaos: Fallout * (Progs 1792-1796, 1798-1799, 1801-1802, 1816, 1819-1822, 1824-1825, 1830-1841, 1845-1849, and Judge Dredd Megazine #332, 336)
- Trifecta * (Progs 1803, 1806-1812)
- Ghost Town
- Titan (Progs 1862-1869, 1873, 1924-1928, 1940-1947, 1961)
- Dark Justice
- Dead Zone (Judge Dredd Megazine #350-355 and Progs 1929-1933)
- Every Empire Falls *
- Cold Wars *
- The Small House * (progs 2004-2006, 2100-2109, 2134)
- Mechanismo: Machine Law (progs 2024-2029, 2115-2122)
- Control - A collection of shorts by Rob Williams and Chris Weston. It's an anthology but does contain the excellant Judge Pin story line (progs 1800, 1888-1889, 2011, 2035-2036, 2073-2074, 2088-2089, 2130, 2141-2145)